3 different projects, 1 mezzanine flooring solution
Quick facts:- Mezzanine surfaces: 5,235 m2 / 5,799 m2 / 9,265 m2
- 300 kg/m2 (secondary beams are designed for 500 kg/m2)
- Up to >9 metre
- 2 mezzanine levels
The challenge:
These three customers, in the fashion logistics and general third-party logistics, faced the same challenge. All these projects were on greenfield, and the customers emphasised on a mezzanine flooring project with big spans, because of the huge advantages in daily business.
Our solution:
In consultation with the customer and their respective consultants we came up with a span in main beam direction of over 11 meters. Spans in secondary beam direction were up to six metres. This spans and loads have some severe impact on the floor slab.
Next to this, we came with another intelligent solution: the way how we integrated the sprinkler system in the mezzanine construction. Typical solution for sprinkler systems is to connect it under the steel structure. This has some advantages in terms of installation time and complexity. On the other hand, it causes loss of free height under the mezzanine, and more impact in case of a colliding forklift. We found together with the customer and sprinkler supplier a solution to put the pipes through our main beam structure, instead of underneath. This required a special design of our punching pattern in our profiles and a different sequence in production. Altogether we implemented a totally sufficient solution, with no impact on free height and a more secure solution in terms of a possible collision with forklifts.